I made a VIDEO TRAILER for my 6/24 event!

Am I proud of myself? Why, yes, I am! Here’s to what you can do with a phone camera and iMovie! I hope this convinces you to come an see what shenanigans ensue when I’m given a mike and a FULL HOUR! For more information, check out my previous blog post or this flyer from the…

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Come hang out with me on June 24th at the Fletcher Free Library!

Exciting announcement! I am going to be kicking off the Fletcher Free Library’s Summer Reading Program with a humongous event at the library in Burlington on Friday, June 24th! Starting at 10:30am, I’m going to do a TALK (with bonus reading!) around the Summer Reading Program’s theme of “Get in the Game.” There will be…

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Goodbye, 2015! Hello, 2016!

Happy New Year to all! As many are wont to do around this time of year, I have been reflecting on 2015 and setting goals for 2016. 2015 was a very busy year for me, though not necessarily in a public way. I did a ton of writing and revising, and visited classrooms both in…

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Long time, no bananas…

Hello, Readers of my Blog! It’s been…months. I apologize for the delay in–nay, total lack of communication. But there is some good news! I may not have been writing my Blog, but I have been writing a bunch of other things: In the past twelve months, I have completed two brand-spanking new manuscripts and done…

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Fall Events!

I am so excited to finally be able to share some awesome events that I have coming up: On October 2, I’ll be giving a talk at 8pm at Williams College in Williamstown, MA with the most amazing line-up of fellow alumni authors: Kristin Cashore, Caragh O’Brien, and Tui Sutherland! We’ll be talking about our…

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I’m BACK! And here’s a GIVEAWAY to prove it!

And I’m back! It’s been a while since my last real blog. But I have a good excuse! Two excuses! A cute excuse, even! First, back in December, I had a baby! He’s a very cute almost four-month-old now. It’s quite a thing having two children (I also have a four-year-old daughter). I’m amazed that…

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Thrilling news! NO SAFETY is a Quick Pick!

Go on, No Safety. You deserve that cupcake. I’m thrilled to announce that No Safety in Numbers has been chosen as a 2013 Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)! I am so honored to be included on this list! Here is a description of the list from the…

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This Month in Hypochondria

I am starting to feel like a normal person (well, as normal as possible for me…) again after a rather hectic period of editing Book 2 of the No Safety in Numbers trilogy, No Easy Way Out. I am so excited about this book. I wish I could give it to you right now! Alas,…

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Happy Book Birthday, No Safety in Numbers!

This is a rather unusual week for me, and maybe for any writer. I am blessed to have two books being released this week. TWO! That brings me to a grand total of four books in three months. INSANITY! I am so grateful to be in this crazy whirlwind of publishing. To honor the occasion,…

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There’s been all sorts of exciting No Safety related news in the past week! First of all, have you seen the awesome book site? If not, go there right now! Once you’re there, you will find the AWESOME BOOK TRAILER! I am so excited about this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVEuD3HYz48 There will be a launch event for No Safety on…

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