Paperback giveaway campaign announcement

Have YOU preordered your copy of the paperback edition of Wayward Creatures??? My most recent middle grade novel? Yes, that one. The one with the starred review from Kirkus! The one that won the 2023 NCTE Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction for Children!

You HAVE preordered your copy?! HUZZAH!

I want to send you some awesome swag: a bookmark and signed bookplate for your book!

I want to send you this no matter where you live–you heard that right: the preorder campaign is open to international readers!

Also, if you’re a teacher or librarian, I want to send you a classroom set of 20 bookmarks!

And as a special bonus, if you order your copy from Phoenix Books in Burlington, VT, I will sign your actual copy and have them send it to you with the bookmark! Order from them here.

No matter which way you get your copy, I’ll also enter you to win a GRAND PRIZE!

What is this GRAND PRIZE, you ask?

One winner receives signed copies of ALL of my books (even the Dogs of the Drowned City trilogy!), plus bookmarks and stickers AND A COYOTE STUFFIE!

Wow. I’m excited. Are you excited?

Yay! Just fill out this Google form to enter and that’s it! Please fill out the form even if you ordered from Phoenix Books.

The preorder giveaway is open through 11:59 p.m. EST on July 10–the paperback release date is July 11! I’ll pick the winner of the GRAND PRIZE on July 18 (I’m away on a trip until then:) and let them know!

Thank you for preordering the Wayward Creatures paperback and GOOD LUCK!

One Response to “Preorder Giveaway for the Wayward Creatures Paperback!”

  1. Dayna

    AND THE WINNER (of my preorder giveaway grand prize) IS…

    *Misty Gilliland*

    HOORAY!!! Thank you to everyone who entered, and who preordered the book! I will be sending out your bookmarks and bookplates soon!


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