It’s the final day of my WEEK OF DOGS blog series! And that means it’s time for the big CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT!
One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of The Storm, a signed advance copy ofThe Pack, and a series bookmark featuring the covers of all three books! Two runners up will receive series bookmarks and signed bookplates for The Storm!
Now, what do you have to do to win such fabulous prizes?
Here’s the challenge:
Create your own Dog of the Drowned City, tell me a little bit about him or her, and also what special skill he or she has to survive in the Drowned City.
For example, you could write: My dog is Skittles, and she is a black Miniature Poodle. Her favorite food is bacon and she loves playing with her stuffed frog toy. She is always squeezing into tiny nooks to hide and chew on her frog, and that is her special survival skill. If any dog wants to mess with Skittles, they’ll have to find her first!
Now you try! Imagination, BLAST OFF!
You can either leave your entry as a comment below, or email it to me, or send it to me in a letter. My address can be found here.
All entries are due by April 15th, which means that if you want to mail me your response through the post, you should get your letter into the mailbox by April 9th just to be sure it will get to me on time.
I will pick the winner and runners up on Monday, April 16th.
Happy imagining!